17th Occupational Health and Safety Forum 2024

The Occupational Health and Safety Forum took place on 15 May 2024 at LuxExpo The Box. Nearly 1,500 visitors were expected to attend this 17th edition. Around a hundred exhibitors from Luxembourg and abroad presented the latest in occupational health and safety, and 20 themed workshops on mental health, safety in the construction sector, ergonomics, road safety and much more were held throughout the day. The OHS Forum was organised by the initiators of VISION ZERO: the Association d’assurance accident, the Union des Entreprises Luxembourgeoises and the Institut National pour le Développement Durable et la RSE.

During the official session, Martine Deprez, Minister for Health and Social Security, and Georges Mischo, Minister for Labour, gave the welcome address and awarded the Prix Sécurité-Santé au Travail 2024 to the 5 winners. We would like to congratulate Drees & Sommer, Ferro-Tech, Dussmann Service, IFSB and Wallenborn Transports S.A. for their projects to improve health and safety or well-being at work.

The organisers of the Forum would like to expressly thank the partners and ministries that supported the Forum, as well as all the exhibitors and workshop leaders and, of course, all the visitors who took advantage of the platform for OHS exchange.

The next edition of the Forum in the form of a exhibition will take place in 2026. A conference will be held on 18 June 2025 at the Chamber of Commerce.

Edition of

15 May 2024



Previous editions

Edition 2023
Edition 2022
Edition 2021
Virtual conference (Replay)
Edition 2020
Exhibition - cancelled
Edition 2019
Edition 2018
Edition 2017
Edition 2016



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