Wallenborn Transports S.A.
Wallenborn Academy
Founded in 1920, Wallenborn Transports S.A. specialises in six priority areas of road transport, including airfreight, secure transport, oversized transport, overland transport, temperature-controlled transport and the transport of dangerous goods.
The company employs approximately 1000 employees across seven different European countries, which makes face-to-face training complicated. Therefore, the company created “Wallenborn Academy”, an online platform designed to train employees regardless of their schedules or languages spoken. This international tool offers e-learning courses with a virtual trainer (generated by AI), that adapts to all schedules and provides complete and interactive training support. It also includes the option to refresh knowledge through quiz games. The training courses primarily focus on training and safety. Additionally, group managers can participate in online courses, respond to questions and/or correct any remaining misunderstandings online. In this way, “Wallenborn Academy” helps standardise learning for everyone involved in the group.
Entreprise > 50 salariés – volet sécurité
Prix décerné par les Ministères

En association avec les organisateurs du Prix SST