
In 2016, the AAA, the UEL and the INDR initiated the national VISION ZERO strategy in Luxembourg. This space is dedicated to these organisations and contains a brief presentation of each.

The Accident Insurance Association (Association d’assurance accident – AAA) was created by the legislator in 1902 and is placed under the authority of the Ministry of Health and Social Security and under the supervision of the General Inspectorate of Social Security (Inspection générale de la sécurité sociale – IGSS). AAA is a public institution in charge of the prevention of and the compensation for work-related accidents, commuting accidents and occupational diseases. The administrative Prevention and Benefits departments handle relations with employers and insured persons.

As VISION ZERO is a strategy aimed at preventing work-related accidents, commuting accidents and occupational diseases, related tasks are primarily dealt with by AAA’s Prevention department.

AAA places assistance and advice at the heart of the Prevention department’s missions. Working with all contributors and covered persons, such as employers, employees, self-employed workers and assisting spouses or partners, the Prevention department assesses occupational risks in order to provide tailored advice and personalised support when requested. As part of its missions, it ensures that companies comply with occupational health and safety (OHS) regulations and also assists them in adopting health and safety measures to improve their workplace.

Moreover, the department provides companies with educational and informative resources as well as tools to better implement their OHS initiatives. Besides various brochures on occupational health and safety, AAA offers companies a range of recommendations for prevention, which are best practices in occupational health and safety. These recommendations are developed by the Prevention department together with experts. They provide a better understanding of the various risks inherent to the workplace to employers and employees and help them implement appropriate measures for the prevention of these risks. In addition, the prevention recommendations include safety-training programmes and feature themes aimed at raising the awareness of employees.

In order to assist companies in implementing an effective management system for occupational health and safety, AAA has introduced a quality certification for occupational health and safety, called “Label Sécher a Gesond mat System (SGS)” (systemic health and safety). For further information visit

AAA is one of the organisers of the OHS Forum, a unique platform for the exchange of best practices. Every two years, a large-scale forum is organised, featuring exhibitor stands, workshops and the presentation of the OHS Award. The OHS Award rewards innovative projects in the fields of occupational health, safety and well-being at work. In the intermediate years, the Forum takes the form of a conference. For further information visit

The Prevention department staff can be contacted by phone and e-mail to provide answers to OHS questions and assist companies in implementing preventive or corrective measures. For further information visit