Type File: Video
The 7 golden rules of ZERO VISION
Prevention of psychosocial risks – Dr. Patrizia Thiry-Curzietti, General Director of the ASTF
Prévention des risques psychosociaux – Dr. Patrizia Thiry-Curzietti, Directrice générale de l’ASTF
The 7 golden rules of VISION ZERO – Michel Fralonardo, Head of Luxairgroup’s Health and Safety Department
Les 7 règles d’or de la VISION ZERO – Michel Fralonardo, Responsable du Département Sécurité et Santé de Luxairgroup
Launch of the Vision Zero Global campaign developed by issa
Lancement campagne Vision Zero Global developed by issa
Launch of VISION ZERO Health and safety at work. All concerned!
Lancement VISION ZERO Sécurité-Santé au travail. Tous concernés !