Occupational Health and Safety Award 2020

The Occupational Health and Safety Forum is traditionally the platform for the National Health and Safety Award. However, the award, originally scheduled for 29 April 2020, had to be postponed due to Covid-19. The partners of the Prize have therefore devised a three-stage award ceremony, on the one hand to honour the good practices of the winners and, on the other, to guarantee strict compliance with the current health regulations. Of the 21 applications submitted at the end of January 2020, 5 companies were awarded prizes in the “safety”, “health and well-being” and “multiplier agent” categories, based on criteria of innovation, prevention, effectiveness, sustainability and transferability. The jury was composed of representatives of the partners and organisers (AAA, DSATE, ITM, UEL, INDR). The three partner ministries are Health, Social Security, and Labour, Employment and Social Economy.

  • The first award ceremony took place on 1 October at the Chamber of Commerce. The two winners of the “health and well-being” section were awarded the Occupational Health and Safety Award 2020 by Mrs. Paulette LENERT, Minister of Health: the Centre Hospitalier du Nord and the Centre Hospitalier Emile Mayrisch.
  • The second award ceremony took place on 5 October at the Chamber of Commerce. The two winners of the “safety section” received the OHS Award 2020 from the hands of Mr Romain SCHNEIDER, Minister of Social Security: VOLTIGE BENELUX and HUSKY Injection Molding Systems.
  • The third award ceremony took place on 12 October at the Chamber of Commerce. The winner of the “multiplier agent” category received the OHS Award 2020 from Mr Tom OSWALD, General Coordinator of the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Economy: Institut luxembourgeois de la Qualité de Vie au Travail.




Previous editions

Edition 2018
Occupational Health and Safety Award - Winners 2018