Occupational Health and Safety Award
Occupational Health and Safety Award 2026
The next Occupational Health and Safety Prize will be awarded at the 19th OHS Forum 2026.
The Occupational Health and Safety Award is awarded by 2 Ministries: Ministry of Health and Social Security and Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social and Economy together with the organisers: the Accident Insurance Association (AAA), Union des Entreprises Luxembourgeoises (UEL), the National Institute for Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility (INDR), the Inspectorate of Labour and Mines (ITM) and the Luxembourg Health Directorate – Occupational Health Division (DSAT).
The award means to:
- recognise innovative initiatives in the field of occupational health, safety and well-being
- highlight the concerted efforts of employers and employees to manage workplace safety and to prevent work-related accidents and occupational diseases;
- highlight businesses’ investment efforts in improving occupational health, safety and well-being;
- widely disseminate best practices to help other businesses benefit from them.
To win:
5.000€ and the production of a video for each winner
+ 1 x “Public Vote Award” of 2.000€