Semaine d’action alcool

08.06 - 16.06.2024

In collaboration with the “Division de la Santé au Travail” (DSAT) and with the support of partners in the field (Cnapa and Quai 57), various information and awareness-raising activities are offered during the action week.

Round table “best/good practices” with various players in the field to exchange experiences on the approaches/measures to implement in companies to prevent addiction.

  • When? 11.06.2024, from 9am to 11am (in French)
  • Where? Forum Da Vinci – 6, bd G.D. Charlotte, L-1330 Luxembourg


General awareness workshop with a focus on alcohol (facts, risks and responsible consumption) given by Cnapa – Centre national de prévention des addictions (places are limited)

  • When? 12.06.2024, from 9am to 10.30am (in French) and from 3pm to 4.30pm (in German)
  • Where? Chambre des Métiers – 2, Circuit de la foire internationale, L-1347 Kirchberg


Workshop giving a brief overview of RPIB (Early identification and brief intervention) with DSAT. This approach is recognised by the World Health Organisation as an effective tool for reducing health risk behaviours.

  • When? 13.06.2024, from 2pm to 4pm (in French)
  • Where? Direction de la Santé – 20, rue de Bitbourg, L-1273 Luxembourg-Hamm


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