Occupational Health and Safety Award - Winners 2018

Winners 2018

Below you can find the winners of the National Occupational Health and Safety Award 2018. The prizes were awarded on 19 April 2018 during the Occupational Health and Safety Forum. The Winner of the 2018 Public Prize: Pétillances.

Company ≤ 50 employees, Health and Well-being section

Combination of the “PowerSeat” winch with the “LongSpan” rail
Company ≤ 50 employees, Safety section

C.A.P.S. – Compagnon Acteur de la Prévention et de la Sécurité
Company > 50 employees, Safety section

SCALP – Sécurisation Conteneurs à Aiguilles pour Lieux Publics
Company > 50 employees, Health and Well-being section
